Enjoy convenience of Cash In/ Out with our multiple outlets
When compared to inter-bank transfers, sending money through e-wallets like Ecashpay is easier and more straightforward because there are many more convenient ways to deposit money into and withdraw money from your Ecashpay wallet than having to transfer money between different banks and visit your bank’s branch or an ATM.
By enabling its users to transfer money or cash out from any location in the nation, Ecashpay broadens its reach. After a few phone taps, you can send money using only your Ecashpay account. With our nationwide network of partner businesses and payment centers, you will thereafter be able to claim the payments practically anywhere.
Either through the app or in person with affiliated dealers, you can transfer money from your bank account. Customers can use all of Ecashpay’s features, including Cash In, Cash Out, Pay Bills, and Send Money, through locations like their community sari-sari store, payment centers, and merchant partners. You can also load up your Ecashpay account through remittances that accept cash-in and cash-out transactions.